Thursday, November 19, 2009

Three guys and a Lady

I had a great time with these co-workers and their 2 boys. Mom is defiantly out numbered with her boys, but she holds her own. With a 15 year old and a 3 year old, you have to be able to hang with the boys as well as be on your toes & she does both brilliantly. Dad is just so cool & you can tell his sons adore him. Big brother is too for cool, but very nice at the same time. He is so great with his little brother and you can really see the love between these brothers despite the age difference. The little guy is such a happy little boy & he did great with the 2 hour shoot. I am so glad they asked me to capture their family, I really enjoyed our photo shoot! Here are just a few of my favorite shots....

All images © Wright Photos 2009

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